Summary from First Week!
Thank you for a great first week of rehearsals. We had a great turnout! Here is a summary of the announcements for anyone that missed it or couldn’t hear it all.
Uniform: All shirts have now been ordered. If you need a different size it will be up to you to find a friend to trade with. Now is the time to make sure your pants and shoes still fit and if not start looking now. Uniform night is May 16th.
Events: We have set May 22nd 6:30pm at Century High School and May 29th at 6:30pm at Parkrose High School for free concerts. We will also have a concert on June 1st in the afternoon. We are finalizing the details of that concert, more information to come. Start spreading the word with your family and friends.
Will have an End of Season Celebration after the Grand Floral Parade. This is for band members only. At check ins at rehearsal, please RSVP if you will be able to attend the celebration.
For the celebration, we are planning a slideshow presentation. If you have any photos or videos of the band you can either upload them directly to this dropbox link.
Or you can bring your photos to rehearsal. Please note, that anything you bring and give to us you will NOT get back, so make sure they are copies. Please upload or bring photos by May 1st.
Rehearsal Logistics: When you come in, please head to your instrument area or auxiliary area and check in with your section leader.
We will try to get outside as much as possible, so be prepared that if the weather is decent we may go outside, bring a jacket. We will for sure be outside and marching starting in May.
While we love your family, friends and pets, we ask that they not come to our rehearsals. Our insurance does not cover them. We don’t want anyone getting hurt.
Please don’t wait to get parade ready, start walking now. We have had a great turnout so far but weather depending before every rehearsal we will have a walking group start at 6:15pm. If there is a track meet going on, the group will meet at the storage unit at 6:15pm and walk through the park or neighborhood.
Please do not come into the building until 6:45pm. Even if you see board members or others running around setting up, we need to be respectful of the time we have rented the school. If you are here early, join the walking group.
For Sale: Jackets are available for order. They are $40 (cash or check) and orders are due by April 23rd. Fanny packs that hold a water bottle are also for sale, $10. 40 year band pins and Rose Festival pins are coming soon.
Bottle Drop: Please grab your blue bags at rehearsal. If you don’t have a Bottle Drop near you, you can bring your cans to rehearsal and someone will return them for you.
Now that you’ve made it this far, information from our amazing Director, Tawnya:
Hello and thank you for a couple of great rehearsals to start off the season!
We have gotten through a lot of our music, and I appreciate your time and effort leading us towards a successful year!
Here are a few suggestions and "notes" that you may find useful if and when you have some time to review your music before Tuesday's rehearsal. (Of course, we will have other things to rehearse.....)
1. Look at the articulation markings and slow things down and work out the slurring and tonguing, staccato and legato, etc. in any and all of your music.
2. School's Out: Low WW/Brass measure 5-13 melodies, Clarinets: the F natural in the second part carries through to the end
Flutes: the trill at the end of measure 58 is from F natural to G flat (F sharp)
3. Mr. Blue Sky: Altos and Horns, the Intro
4. Celebration: Flute/Oboe/Clarinet/Trumpets, the melody at 9, Horns and Trombones, 25-33
5. I'm Still Standing: Flute/Oboe/Clarinet, measures 25-29
6. Treasure: All, Introduction, 13-21, 33-41: lots of counter melody parts in all sections
7. Good 4 U: Rich has volunteered to upload a slower recording of this song so you can hear your part and work through rhythms. (Thank you, Rich)
(here's the link to find the slower version - it's called Good 4 U Slower)
Thank you!
(Rich here... I'm just the messenger this time... If you've gotten this far, great job and thanks for taking time to read all of this super important stuff - there will be a quiz at the next rehearsal, bring a #2 pencil...)