How to Join
So, you want to join our crazy band, huh? AWESOME!! In order to join OMTAAMB, you must submit an application. Basic qualifications are as follows:
Be over 18 years of age
Be able to play an instrument and to march (preferably at the same time)
Auxiliary units, be able to dance, twirl or swing a flag in time while marching
Auditions: What to Expect
Don’t get freaked out about auditions.
For instrumentalists: You will play a scale and show you can read music. The music will be provided ahead of time so you can practice it.
For Auxilliaries: Show that you are able to dance, twirl or swing a flag in time while marching

New Member Application
Accepting applications for the 2025 season. Tryouts in March 2025.
Fill out the form below and read the Rules of Conduct. You don't pay any money yet, you'll pay at the audition.
For recruiting questions, please contact Nicole Hagen. Email: contactus@omtaamb.org. Can't wait to have you join us!
The form below is for NEW MEMBERS only. If you are a returning member, do not complete this form. Returning members should pay for their dues in Memberplanet. If you need help email contactus@omtaamb.org