Last Rehearsal on Monday and Concert Information
Hello Band!
Monday is our LAST rehearsal of the season. We will start with concert run throughs and finish with some marching. Remember we are marching to make sure the band sounds its best, tweak the line up a bit and just get familiar with marching once again. This should not be your only prep for both 2 mile parades. Please make sure that you are walking, hydrating and getting yourself personally ready for the parades. We want you to enjoy the parades!
Wednesday is our concert at Century High School. Here is the summary of all the information for the 3 upcoming concerts. We will send more information about parades in the next week or so.
One other thing - shirts. It's a good idea to wash your shirts before you wear them for the first time so the colors don't bleed onto your pants. Yes, the first time we wear them we don't have to wear our white pants, but they will still bleed if you don't do this and possibly ruin whatever pants you wear - if you wear a shirt under it, that shirt will be ruined too. Wash in COLD water with 1 CUP of WHITE VINEGAR. No other items in the washer. Do NOT use any detergent, fabric softeners, bleach, electric eels or other things to alter your shirt. It is already clean. Change the settings on your washer to the wimpiest settings possible - quick wash, fast clean, just a splash of water, etc. You don't need a full 8 hour cycle. DO NOT PUT IN THE DRYER!! Doing this will cause your most excellent shirt to shrink. Then you'll want to trade it for another size only to find we don't have any other sizes, that no one else in your size wants to trade and you will have to wear your too small shirt. If you think this won't happen to you, look up Murphy's Law.
Here is the information about the upcoming concerts:
Century High School, May 22nd. 2000 SE Century Blvd, Hillsboro, OR
Call time between 6 and 6:15pm
Concert starts at 6:30pm
Event is free for everyone.
Uniform is your band hat and shirt. You may wear whatever you'd like on your bottom half. If you want to wear a white long sleeve shirt under your band shirt you may. If it is raining you can wear clear rain jackets or ponchos.
Be prepared for rush hour traffic if coming from the eastside, plan accordingly.
Century Band will kick off the show at 6:30pm, playing a couple of their tunes.
OMT will play the full concert.
Both groups will play Louie, Louie together.
Their boosters are planning on serving tacos and drinks through their concession stand.
Century will be collecting cans as a fundraiser, please pause your support of our band for the week and give them your cans.
Parking is available right behind the stadium.
Century stadium is not covered, so let your family and friends know they may want a jacket.
Please unpack your instruments in your car, there is no place or people watching instrument cases and personal items.
Be sure to thank their boosters and band students.
Parkrose High School, May 29th. 12003 NE Shaver Street, Portland
Call time between 6 and 6:15pm
Concert starts at 6:30pm
Event is free to everyone.
Uniform is your band hat and shirt. You are free to wear what you’d like on the bottom. If you want to wear a white long sleeve shirt under your band shirt you may. If it is raining you can wear clear rain jackets or ponchos.
Be prepared for rush hour traffic coming from the westside, plan accordingly.
The Parkrose drumline will start playing just before 6:30 as people are arriving.
OMT will then play the full concert.
Any available Parkrose band members will join OMT to play Louie, Louie together.
Their music boosters will run a simplified concession stand.
Parking is available in two different areas. One close by the stadium and the other by the Fine Arts building, very close to the stadium.
If needed you can drive down the short driveway toward the stadium to drop someone off but then park back in the upper lot.
Parkrose Stadium is covered, but suggest bringing a blanket or stadium seat to seat in the bleachers.
Please unpack your instruments in your car, there is no place for cases and personal items.
Be sure to thank their boosters and band students.
Pioneer Courthouse Square, June 1st. 701 SW 6th Avenue, Portland
Call time is 1:30pm, concert at 2pm. If you have a few minutes, walk around to people lined up for the parade and invite them to the free concert.
Uniform is full uniform, hat, shirt, white pants, white shoes. Don’t forget your hat! If you want to wear a white long sleeve shirt under your uniform you can. You may also wear a clear rain jacket or poncho over your uniform.
We highly recommend taking Max. There is a stop right at Pioneer Courthouse Square.
There is no space for cases and personal items. You will NOT be able to put your items in the rescue van. I highly recommend that you keep everything you have on you. No one is going to watch items for you if you put them on the steps.
Once we finish the concert, stay in the formation area. We will have a couple group photos taken, then you will be free to go.
After the concert you will have time before you have to line up for the Starlight Parade.
Explore the area, grab some food, put your feet up and enjoy your bandmates. Please be responsible and do not overindulge.
See you all on Monday!