Helpful Information

Contact Information

Please email if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, complaints, etc.  If you know anyone who has questions about joining, reach out. If you’re interested in helping to recruit new members, email

This is our online membership database. Here you can maintain your own information - name, address, t-shirt size, instrument/aux unit, etc. You can also pay your yearly membership dues here. If you have any questions, please email

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Band Updates and Announcements

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Rehearsal Location - Ron Russell Middle School

Map to Ron Russell Middle School. Click the map for navigation.

Driving Directions

There are many ways to get to Ron Russell.  Here are some of them.


  • I-205 from the North, Division St. exit, turn left, at SE 112th turn right, cross Powell, go ½ block to school

  • I-205 from the South, Powell Blvd exit, turn right, at SE 112th, turn right, go ½ block to school

  • I-84 East, exit to I-205 , follow I-205 “from the North”  directions

  • I-5 South, exit to I-205, follow I-205 “from the South” directions

Surface Streets  (Many options, just a sampling listed below)

  • Most direct route:  Take Powell Blvd, coming from east or west.  

  • If coming from west of the Willamette River, use the Ross Island Bridge and follow Powell directly to SE 112th, turn right, go south ½ block to school.

  • If coming from east of the Willamette River, use any major north/south arterial  (39th, 82nd, 92nd, 122nd, 181st), turn onto Powell, at SE 112th go south ½ block to school.

  • Burnside St. (use Burnside Bridge if from the west).
    Stark St. (use Morrison Bridge if from the west).
    Division St. (use Hawthorne Bridge if  from the west)
    Turn south onto any major numbered arterial,  go to Powell, at SE 112th go south ½ block to school.